
Here’s where we share all our tips, thoughts and guidance. Grab a cuppa and dive in!


Backlinks are an essential part of an SEO strategy (it’s one of Google’s TOP THREE RANKING FACTORS) – but what exactly are they, why are they so important and how can they be dangerous? WHAT IS A BACKLINK? A backlink is when a page on a website links to a page on another website – yep, it’s […]

HOW TO ADD SCHEMA TO YOUR WEBSITE USING GOOGLE TAG MANAGER Do you want to know how to add Schema to your website but not really sure why you should?  Or even if you should? Then read on! Schema is a very important part of SEO but sadly overlooked by so many small business websites. […]

One of the most important things about keyword research is making sure that you are targeting the keywords that your potential customers are actually searching for. Pretend just for a second that your business designs websites. So, you may think the best keyword for you to target is website design business. But does that accurately […]