
Google Analytics explained – A beginners guide

Explaining all of Google Analytics’s features in one blog post would be like trying to summarise Tolsty’s War and Peace into a newspaper article! So in this post I’m going to cover the basics of what is Google Analytics and how does it work along with an overview of each main report. GOOGLE ANALYTICS EXPLAINED […]

Local SEO statistics you NEED to know

Following my theme of all things Local SEO this month I’ve put together this infographic (go easy on me – it’s my first one ever!). If you’re in any doubt about how important Local SEO is if you’re a small business who’s potential customers are in one geographical location then this should convince you! Sources […]

Local SEO Checklist for small business websites

If you’re a small business owners who’s customers and potential customers are in one geographical location you absolutely HAVE to be doing local seo. But what is it, and more importantly – how do you do it? Take a look at my SEO checklist for local small business websites. First let’s start with the basics […]

Do you really know what your SEO consultant is doing?

I’m never controversial, in fact I don’t even like upsetting people if I can avoid it!  But something happened yesterday that has made me so bloody furious I can’t not write this post. I received a call from a company last week enquiring about my SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) services.  We had a good chat […]

What is Google Search Console (and why you should use it)

As a small business owner you’ve more than likely heard of Google Analytics™ but I’m guessing you probably haven’t heard of Google Search Console. For me, it’s probably the most important tool that I use on a daily basis.  Google Analytics concentrates on how people get to your website and what they do when they […]

How to set up a goal in Google Analytics

Many small business owners I know use Google Analytics to keep an eye on the number of visits they have to their website. This is great because at least the tool is being put to use, but just think for a moment. Would you rather have 1,000 website visits per month or 500 visits per […]

How Google has grown

This is a fascinating video from Google which explains how (and why) they started, how they have grown over the years and what their future plans are.

Penguin 4.0 is alive

Google has confirmed that the latest version of Penguin (which is 4.0) is now live and part of their core algorithm as of 23rd September 2016. Penguin is the name given to part of the algorithm that deals with web spam – things like keyword stuffing and unnatural link schemes and was first launched in […]

WHOS AFRAID OF THE Cookie Monster?

WHOS AFRAID OF THE Cookie Monster? No – we don’t mean that cute fuzzy blue thing from Sesame Street – really?!?!?  Who could really be scared of him (well, Jo was but that’s a WHOLE other story!!). via GIPHY I’m actually referring to a piece of privacy legislation that was adopted by all EU member […]