
#dmf 10 minute tip: be a better hashtagger

Most of us know that using hashtags on Twitter increases the chance of your tweet being seen in a search.


For those of you that don’t know what a hashtag is here is a quick summary.


A hashtag (written with a # symbol) is used to index keywords or topics and allows people to easily follow things they are interested in.


✴️ Use the hashtag symbol before a relevant keyword or phrase in your Tweet to categorise that Tweet


✴️ If you click on a hash tagged word in any message Twitter will show you other Tweets that include that hashtag 


✴️ Hashtags can be included anywhere in a Tweet


For more basic hashtag info have a read of Twitters support page: https://support.twitter.com/articles/49309?lang=en



So, know we all know what a hashtag is how do you use the best ones to give maximum visibility to your Tweet?


Meet Hashtagify.me (http://hashtagify.me).


This cool (and free!) little tool allows you to research hashtags and not only provides meaningful data such as popularity and usage patterns it will also show you related hashtags.


When you go to the website you’re shown one of the all time top 10 Twitter hashtags (you will need a paid account to see the others but don’t worry about that now).


Whats really cool though is that it also shows you other hashtags that are related, and how popular they are.



This really is a great little tool (and no I haven’t been paid or given anything to review it!!!).

Give it a try and let me know what you think.


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